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Monkey King Private Server

20 + 1.8Level2022001.1211.5225%26.14%28.49%30.17%‒39‒100/ 800300Instant0.45+ 0.21.788Legs2Gib typeDefaultSun Wukong, the Monkey King, is a, best known for his slippery nature and his ability to do, deceiving his enemies by turning into and other objects. Armed with his magic extending staff, the Monkey King slams the ground with, and leaps to the treetops to have advantage over his foes with. Perched on a tree, he gains a clear view of his surroundings, allowing him to jump down on unsuspecting targets, dealing heavy damage and slowing their escape with.

As a carry, the Monkey King is granted extra damage and from after landing consecutive attacks on his opponents. In a teamfight, at an army of clones is sent out across the battlefield to fight for him, while he himself has his armor increased. Together with the help of his clones and his team, the Monkey King is a force to be reckoned with.

For 500 years the mountain pressed down upon him, only his head free from the crushing weight of the stonewrought prison the elder gods had summoned to halt his childish rebellion. Moss grew along the lines of his exposed face, tufts of grass sprouted from his ears; his vision was framed in wildflowers reaching from the soil around his cheeks. Most thought him long dead, tormented by the gods for waging war against the heavens until naught but his legend survived.

But, as the stories go, the Monkey King cannot die.So he waited. Until the gods came to offer a chance at absolution, he endured. And when they did come to name the price, Sun Wukong accepted their charge: he would accompany a young acolyte on a secret pilgrimage, protect him from demons and dangers of the road, and guide the man home in possession of a coveted relic. Do that, and humbly obey the human's commands in service to their holy mission, and Wukong would prove himself reformed.For a change, Sun Wukong fulfilled his oath to the gods with honor, and atoned for the sins of past insurrections. The acolyte, much learned in hardships, was returned to his home temple, relic in hand; and Wukong-finding himself for the first time in proper standing with any gods of consequence-was content for a short while to give up his old thirst for adventure and glory. But the Monkey King was born for mischief.and offending the gods never gets old.

Notes:. Boundless Strike's effects are instantly applied within its whole area. There is no travel time. The effect starts 75 range in front of Monkey King and has an actual length of 1125, adding up to 1200 effective length. It can hit units up to 1350 range away (starting distance + length + width). It can also hit units 75 range behind Monkey King, due to its radius and starting position.

Causes Monkey King to perform an on all hit enemies. The stun is independent from these attacks. These attacks have, and can therefore never miss. They also ignore.

Can proc any on all of the hit targets normally, with being the only exception. Also procs, placing the debuff on all hit enemy heroes, or adding to the counter if already debuffed. Despite the audio, has still only a chance to proc. Boundless Strike does not guarantee chance-based effects to proc.

Since Boundless Strike has an ensured critical hit, crits with a lower value have no effect if they proc (higher crit value takes priority). Jingu Mastery loses a charge whenever Boundless Strike is cast, regardless of whether it hits a unit or not. The bonus attack damage is applied to all hit targets, and it does lifesteal for each hit target, despite using up only one charge. The strike first applies the debuff, then the damage. The sound during the cast animation is audible to everyone. Notes:. Leveling up Tree Dance also levels up.

Private Server Clash Of Clans

Monkey king leaps to the target at a speed of 700, reaching the tree within up to 1.43 ( 2.29) seconds. Leaps in an arc, with a top height of 192. During the leap, other units may pass below Monkey King. Although it visually looks like Monkey King is above the ground while perched, he still is considered to be on the ground. The height is part of the animations.

Tree Dance has several different cooldowns which activate at different times. Upon cast, the leap duration is added to the cooldown, resulting in a cooldown of 1.1 to up to 2.43 ( 3.29) seconds, based on the distance. Upon reaching the tree, it goes on cooldown for 1 seconds, which matters only if the cast cooldown was skipped (with e.g. ). Upon unperching with a move or attack command, it goes on a 1-second cooldown.

Does not go on cooldown when unperched in other ways. Upon taking player-based or -based damage greater than 0 while on the ground (excluding damage flagged as ), it goes on a 3-second cooldown. All of these cooldowns are unaffected by percentage-based cooldown reductions. Flat reductions and cooldown resets work.

During the leap, Monkey King is disabled, unable to perform any actions. The last given order gets queued up and executed as soon as he lands. During the leap and while on a tree, Monkey King gains flying vision, but has his vision reduced to 800/ 400 ( 1200/ 800). 's bonus night vision still works, while and do not affect Monkey King's vision while on a tree. While perched on a tree, Monkey King is hidden from sight.

He can only be seen with. He can also be seen when standing 2 levels of ground higher than the tree Monkey King sits on, allowing wards to spot him when the ward is on an elevated ward spot. However, he cannot be seen when getting hurled in the air by spells (e.g. Only standing on high ground may grant vision over him. While on a tree, Monkey King can perform any action normally, with some of them unperching him, while others do not.

Casting, or any ability does not unperch him. Casting, moving or attacking does unperch him. Directional Move and Patrol have no effect when ordered while on a tree, so that Monkey King stays perched. While on cooldown on a tree, Monkey King is and he cannot move, which prevents him from getting off the tree with move and attack commands. unperches Monkey King as well.

This includes the effects of, and. While on a tree, Tree Dance can be cast again, targeting another nearby tree. All trees within cast range are highlighted with a white glow. Monkey King only gets stunned if the tree he leaps towards, or he sits on, gets destroyed. Getting unperched in other ways (e.g.

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) does not result in a stun. The Tree Dance activity modifier only appears during the leap and is responsible for the jump animation. Notes:. Each successful attack done on an enemy hero while Monkey King does not have the damage and lifesteal buff places the debuff, or adds one to its counter if it already has the debuff. Only actual enemy heroes (including ) can receive the debuff.

And do not count. Allied heroes do not count either. The debuff's duration gets refreshed on each hit. Notes:. This is an innate ability and does not need to be learned. It is not bound to any ability, but to Monkey King himself.

Interrupts Monkey King's spells, move orders and attack orders upon cast. When cast, Mischief transforms Monkey King into one of the following items or units:. (using his team's courier's model), (new or peeled),. When within 350 range the team's, it transforms Monkey King into the courier.

Monkey King Private Server

When a is within 350 range upon cast, it transforms Monkey King into that tree instead. If multiple trees are within range, a random one of them is chosen. This includes spawned trees from and. When within 350 range of a rune spot, it transforms Monkey King into a random rune suitable for that rune spot. After 's first death, Mischief transforms Monkey King into the when cast inside his pit.

After his second death, it may also transform him into. After his third death, it may also transform him into. Monkey King's movement speed is set to 200 while transformed (380 when transformed as a courier). Besides with, his movement speed cannot be altered by anything. Monkey King's selection box adapts to the disguise models. However, his collision size does not change. Monkey King's minimap icon is hidden to the enemy while disguised.

In addition, his over-head health and mana bar is hidden to everyone, including the player. Auto-attack ignores the Monkey King, so that lane creeps, neutral creeps, towers and fountains do not automatically attack him. Units of players which have auto-attack enabled do not attack him automatically either, but can be forced to attack him. The ground-attack move also ignores him. Monkey King is still fully affected by every spell. He can be targeted normally.

Attachable particle effects of spells still attach to him. During the initial 0.2, Mischief fully, causing several.

Damage greater than 0 dispels the effect. Does not get dispelled by damage flagged as.